DISCOUNT TIME TRAVEL: 5 Tips For Making A Believable Period Piece, Cheap!

DISCOUNT TIME TRAVEL: 5 Tips For Making A Believable Period Piece, Cheap!

Your script has it all: action, romance, and a killer twist. It’s dynamite! Best of all, there are only a couple characters and locations, so you might be able to pull it off on a low budget. There’s just one problem. The story isn’t set in the...
THERE IS NO MAP: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend AD and independent producer Meta Valentic on the challenges of indie filmmaking

THERE IS NO MAP: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend AD and independent producer Meta Valentic on the challenges of indie filmmaking

About Meta Valentic Meta Valentic has worked as an Assistant Director on films like Avatar and on television shows like Bones, Castle, and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. She was nominated for two Directors Guild Awards for her work on Lost. Meta has also produced multiple...
WE DO THE JOBS WE GET: Career Insight From Editor Melissa Kent

WE DO THE JOBS WE GET: Career Insight From Editor Melissa Kent

Melissa Kent is a film and television editor who has worked with both Francis Ford Coppola and on Sofia Coppola’s directorial debut, The Virgin Suicides. She was nominated for an American Cinema Editors (ACE) Award for best editing of a made-for-TV movie for The...
DOT-COM DOS AND DOT-COM DON’TS: 5 Tips For A Better Freelancer Website

DOT-COM DOS AND DOT-COM DON’TS: 5 Tips For A Better Freelancer Website

In an increasingly digital industry, it’s easier than ever to find crew for your projects or crew up on someone else’s. But since the internet has become such a popular place to find work, it’s also easy for talented filmmakers like yourself to get lost in a sea of...
THE IN-BETWEENERS: Making a Living as a Filmmaker Between Projects

THE IN-BETWEENERS: Making a Living as a Filmmaker Between Projects

Pursuing a career as an independent filmmaker has never been more exciting. With the continual expansion of digital mediums and the growing demand for content, it’s easier than ever for new filmmakers to find an audience. This is especially true if they have a unique...
MAKING THE STANFORD PRISON EXPERIMENT: An Interview with Kyle Patrick Alvarez

MAKING THE STANFORD PRISON EXPERIMENT: An Interview with Kyle Patrick Alvarez

Kyle Patrick Alvarez is an independent filmmaker whose 2013 film C.O.G. was nominated for the Grand Jury Prize in drama at Sundance, and who recently directed two episodes of Netflix original series 13 Reasons Why. He also directed The Stanford Prison Experiment, which premiered at Sundance and won the prestigious Alfred P. Sloan Award. Here he sits down with us to talk about how, after decades, the film finally got made.