CLEAN LIVING: 5 Guidelines For Staying Healthy On Set

CLEAN LIVING: 5 Guidelines For Staying Healthy On Set

Shooting Day #10: You wake up and instantly realize something’s not right. Your head feels heavier than it did yesterday. Only one of your nostrils is operational. Your throat is sore. Crap. You’re sick. In a normal job, you’d take a sick day. But here’s the...
UP YOUR EDITING GAME: Our 5 Favorite Red Giant Plugins

UP YOUR EDITING GAME: Our 5 Favorite Red Giant Plugins

Red Giant has a multitude of effects suites that range from graceful, high quality transitions, to industry-standard visual effects packages. What’s great about Red Giant is that you aren’t obligated to purchase the entire effects suite — you can buy them one at...
BOOM & ZOOM: 5 Keys To Help Your Next Production Sound Like A Million Bucks

BOOM & ZOOM: 5 Keys To Help Your Next Production Sound Like A Million Bucks

Audiences can be very forgiving when it comes to indies. Poor picture quality, shaky camerawork, amateur performances… almost anything can be overcome by a talented filmmaker with a compelling story. But one aspect that ironically costs the least can also impact...
APPLE BOXES, HONEY WAGONS, AND C-47s: Your Guide To Set Lingo

APPLE BOXES, HONEY WAGONS, AND C-47s: Your Guide To Set Lingo

Like any other profession, filmmaking has its own specialized lingo. Many of these terms you will only hear on set, but being familiar with them could be crucial to your success in this business. For instance, you might panic the first time you are asked to track down...
UNDER-PROMISE, OVER-DELIVER: 5 Indispensable Tips For Raising Equity On An Indie Feature

UNDER-PROMISE, OVER-DELIVER: 5 Indispensable Tips For Raising Equity On An Indie Feature

Acquiring financing for an independent feature film can feel like an insurmountable obstacle. It’s a high risk investment in a product that might stall or collapse at any moment due to incompetence or misfortune. Yet it can also be very rewarding, both financially and...
TIMING IS EVERYTHING: 5 Quick Tips For Efficiently And Effectively Scheduling Your Shoot

TIMING IS EVERYTHING: 5 Quick Tips For Efficiently And Effectively Scheduling Your Shoot

Shooting days tend to begin the same way, with everyone moving slowly, wiping the sleep out of their eyes, chatting at the crafty table, and savoring their morning coffee. But by hour twelve everyone is usually scrambling frantically, trying to squeeze in a few more...