HAPPY ARBOR DAY! Lunacy Counts Down Our Favorite Trees

HAPPY ARBOR DAY! Lunacy Counts Down Our Favorite Trees

We at Lunacy love trees — so this Arbor Day we’re counting down our favorite talking trees in cinema history! HANGING TREE (The Nightmare Before Christmas) Type: Monster Strongest Asset: Singing Voice Biggest Weakness: Needlepoint, probably Quote: “Everybody scream!”...


  In a world of prequels, remakes, and spinoffs, Kentucky-based independent film production company Lunacy Productions is getting in on the action by expanding what they hope is the start of their own cinematic universe.  This morning, Lunacy announced that it...
LUNACY HELPS: Keeping In Touch Will Keep Us Together

LUNACY HELPS: Keeping In Touch Will Keep Us Together

In this time of global crisis, we’ve been trying to figure out some ways we at Lunacy Productions can lend a hand. We’re doing our best to keep our business working remotely, and the spirits of our contemporaries high. But we want to do more.  With social distancing...
VIDEO CHATTING APPS:  A Step by Step Guide for Installation & Use

VIDEO CHATTING APPS: A Step by Step Guide for Installation & Use

Facebook Messenger, Zoom, Google Duo, and Viber are our recommended video chatting apps for communicating with your quarantined contacts. These four are all free, easy to use, can be used on either a phone or a computer, and can be used to make calls internationally....
ACROSS GENERATIONS: Family Interview Tips and Guided Questions

ACROSS GENERATIONS: Family Interview Tips and Guided Questions

We get it: social distancing is hard, and sheltering in place is a surefire recipe for cabin fever. And your older friends and relatives have it even harder than you do — they don’t even like bingeing The Office. Everyone’s feeling disconnected. But a tried and true...
KEEP CALM AND STREAM ON: Viewing Suggestions From Your Friends At Lunacy

KEEP CALM AND STREAM ON: Viewing Suggestions From Your Friends At Lunacy

Before we start this special, “pre-apocalyptic” edition of the Lunacy Blog to pleasantly distract you from the current chaos, let’s be very clear about one thing: Right now, we all need to watch out for one another. Be calm, be nice, be rational,...