DON’T TAKE ‘NO’ FOR AN ANSWER: An Interview With Documentary Filmmaker Alexandra Shiva, Part II

DON’T TAKE ‘NO’ FOR AN ANSWER: An Interview With Documentary Filmmaker Alexandra Shiva, Part II

About Alexandra Shiva Alexandra Shiva is a documentarian known for critically acclaimed films like Bombay Eunuch, Stagedoor, and the Peabody Award winning How To Dance In Ohio. Her most recent film, This Is Home: A Refugee Story, won the audience award for World...
THIS IS HOME: An Interview With Documentary Filmmaker Alexandra Shiva, Part I

THIS IS HOME: An Interview With Documentary Filmmaker Alexandra Shiva, Part I

HAPPY 4th OF JULY! This Independence Day, your friends at Lunacy are celebrating with a uniquely American story. This Is Home: A Refugee Story is a portrait of four Syrian families resettling in Baltimore after fleeing their war-torn homeland. This moving documentary...
THE BIG TIME: 5 Tips For Hollywood Success

THE BIG TIME: 5 Tips For Hollywood Success

Have you been dreaming of a career in film and television? Well, I’ve got good news for you: Lunacy Productions (and every other production company, agency, studio, and ancillary business in Los Angeles) is full of people who had that same dream and are making it a...
Z-AXIS MOVEMENT: 5 camera techniques to help you raise stakes, create unease, and more

Z-AXIS MOVEMENT: 5 camera techniques to help you raise stakes, create unease, and more

There are three directions you can move your camera: along the horizontal x-axis (pans and dollies), the vertical y-axis (tilts and booms), and the z-axis (moving forward or back). Used separately or in conjunction, these movements can serve utilitarian purposes, such...
UP YOUR EDITING GAME: Our 5 Favorite Red Giant Plugins

UP YOUR EDITING GAME: Our 5 Favorite Red Giant Plugins

Red Giant has a multitude of effects suites that range from graceful, high quality transitions, to industry-standard visual effects packages. What’s great about Red Giant is that you aren’t obligated to purchase the entire effects suite — you can buy them one at...
STAR SEARCH: 5 Things To Remember When Casting Your Film

STAR SEARCH: 5 Things To Remember When Casting Your Film

While a great script is critical, even the best material can fall flat without the right vessel to deliver it. That’s why casting is so important. It’s always preferable to have a casting professional assist you, and it’s almost always worth it. But depending on your...