Apr 1, 2021 | Announcement
A few weeks ago, streaming service HBO MAX launched Zack Snyder’s Justice League, a four-hour director’s cut of the 2017 superhero film, which was met with mostly positive reviews. And now, after completing work on his lengthy superhero saga, director Zack Snyder is...
Oct 8, 2019 | Instructional
Wide establishing shot… Medium two-shot… OTS single… Reverse… Reverse… Reverse… Punch in for a dramatic close-up… Sound familiar? It’s how most film and television scenes are shot and edited. Sure, it’s a little boring, but it works. And if you have talented actors...
Jun 19, 2018 | Five For Filming, Greatest Hits
There are three directions you can move your camera: along the horizontal x-axis (pans and dollies), the vertical y-axis (tilts and booms), and the z-axis (moving forward or back). Used separately or in conjunction, these movements can serve utilitarian purposes, such...