FROM DAYS OF THUNDER TO MAKING WAVES: Midge Costin on the Story of Sound
Sound is 50% of the cinematic experience. It’s the cheapest way to raise the production value in a film. And it’s easily one of the least understood and most underappreciated disciplines in Hollywood. Veteran Hollywood sound editor and USC professor Midge Costin...
TALES FROM THE SUNDANCE LAB: An introverted sound mixer finds love on the mountain
Alexandra Reinnoldt is a producer and sound technician for Lunacy Productions. This year she was invited to be a crew member at the Sundance Directors Lab, an annual retreat designed to support promising young filmmakers as they workshop their first feature films....
BELOW THE SURFACE II: Another Look at the Making of RUST CREEK
Lunacy Productions’ Rust Creek is a hit with critics and audiences, and it’s now available on all your favorite VOD platforms! We’ve already brought you some great behind the scenes featurettes about the script, shooting in the Kentucky cold,...
It’s no secret that your friends here at Lunacy Productions love Walter Murch. The Academy Award winning editor and sound designer is responsible for some of our favorite movies, from The Conversation to The Talented Mr. Ripley. He literally wrote the book on...