VALUABLE MISTAKES: 5 Lessons We’ve Learned the Hard Way

VALUABLE MISTAKES: 5 Lessons We’ve Learned the Hard Way

You know the usual rookie errors: white walls, bad sound, haphazard composition, etc. But there are many more mistakes that are worth learning from. Here are five mistakes we’ve made, and the lessons we took from them! 1. Careless Collaborations Forget the director...
SPRING CLEANING! 5 Free Apps to Organize Your Computer

SPRING CLEANING! 5 Free Apps to Organize Your Computer

While the phrase “Free Apps” is certain to draw a big crowd to your local sports bar, it’s just as tempting to those of us who spend the majority of our days working on a computer. Whether you’re dealing with multiple copies of the same file, a large amount of...


Last weekend, editor, author, and educator Norman Hollyn died unexpectedly while lecturing in Japan. He was a thoughtful and accomplished filmmaker; his first book, The Film Editing Room Handbook, is considered a must-read for aspiring editors; and he was a remarkable...
STRIPPING DOWN: 5 Tips For Casting Nudity

STRIPPING DOWN: 5 Tips For Casting Nudity

Unless you’re working exclusively in children’s content, sooner or later you might have to deal with a role involving nudity. As awkward as that might seem for you, imagine how difficult it can before for the actor. It’s the very definition of vulnerability! Meg...
STICKER SHOCK: 5 Surprising Expenses That Could Bust Your Indie Budget

STICKER SHOCK: 5 Surprising Expenses That Could Bust Your Indie Budget

One of the best ways to stand out in the film business is to make a successful low-budget movie. Like Paranormal Activity, shot for only $15,000. Or Get Out, made for $4.5 million. Or Split for $9 million. Or A Quiet Place, $17 million… Hold on! This is starting...
BELOW THE SURFACE II: Another Look at the Making of RUST CREEK

BELOW THE SURFACE II: Another Look at the Making of RUST CREEK

  Lunacy Productions’ Rust Creek is a hit with critics and audiences, and it’s now available on all your favorite VOD platforms! We’ve already brought you some great behind the scenes featurettes about the script, shooting in the Kentucky cold,...