HAPPY ARBOR DAY! Lunacy Counts Down Our Favorite Trees

HAPPY ARBOR DAY! Lunacy Counts Down Our Favorite Trees

We at Lunacy love trees — so this Arbor Day we’re counting down our favorite talking trees in cinema history! HANGING TREE (The Nightmare Before Christmas) Type: Monster Strongest Asset: Singing Voice Biggest Weakness: Needlepoint, probably Quote: “Everybody scream!”...


  In a world of prequels, remakes, and spinoffs, Kentucky-based independent film production company Lunacy Productions is getting in on the action by expanding what they hope is the start of their own cinematic universe.  This morning, Lunacy announced that it...
FINDING CREW ONLINE: How to Hire Filmmakers Off the Internet

FINDING CREW ONLINE: How to Hire Filmmakers Off the Internet

We’ve previously written on characteristics to look for when hiring your crew, but here we’ll elaborate on where you can find these crew members. In the world of indie filmmaking, hiring usually happens through word-of-mouth and referrals, but don’t overlook the power...
IS YOUR SCRIPT TOO EXPENSIVE? 5 Links for Low-Budget Screenwriters

IS YOUR SCRIPT TOO EXPENSIVE? 5 Links for Low-Budget Screenwriters

Is your screenplay too expensive to produce? Sometimes, even the strongest scripts have a hard time selling because of the production costs they would incur. If your ultimate goal is to see your work on the big screen, you need to be able to write good content that is...
GOOD AND CHEAP: Money Saving Tips for Your Low-Budget Feature

GOOD AND CHEAP: Money Saving Tips for Your Low-Budget Feature

Who’s ready to make a movie? Who has everything they need but financing? Funding is often the number one obstacle that filmmakers face, but we are here to help you keep costs low. If you have a clear vision and simple story, you don’t need all that much cash, after...
LOW-BUDGET FILMMAKING: How Much Does It Really Cost To Make Your First Feature?

LOW-BUDGET FILMMAKING: How Much Does It Really Cost To Make Your First Feature?

Fellow indie filmmakers continue making micro-budget feature films. Glen Schultz (Red Trail 90) says he did it with $10,000. Mark Duplass (The Puffy Chair) suggests you only need $1,000.  Those figures notwithstanding, keeping costs low can set you up to turn a...