THE FUTURE IS FEMALE: 4 Indispensable Resources For Female Filmmakers

THE FUTURE IS FEMALE: 4 Indispensable Resources For Female Filmmakers

In honor of Women’s History Month your friends at Lunacy will be posting content celebrating the contribution of women to the film industry. This week we look at the five best internet resources for female filmmakers (and a few extras you should check out as well)....
WOMEN ON THE CUTTING EDGE: 5 Female Film Editors Behind Your Favorite Films

WOMEN ON THE CUTTING EDGE: 5 Female Film Editors Behind Your Favorite Films

In honor of Women’s History Month your friends at Lunacy will be posting content celebrating the contribution of women to the film industry. We continue this week with a look at female filmmakers who aren’t household names but have nonetheless shaped the history...
“NOW START CRYING” AND OTHER ACTOR PET PEEVES: 5 Things for directors to avoid when working with actors

“NOW START CRYING” AND OTHER ACTOR PET PEEVES: 5 Things for directors to avoid when working with actors

You’ve cast the perfect actor. They nailed the audition, they were great in rehearsals, and everything is going smoothly on set, and then… you accidentally say or do something that pisses them off. Suddenly they are pouting, questioning your judgement, or just less...
THERE IS NO MAP: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend AD and independent producer Meta Valentic on the challenges of indie filmmaking

THERE IS NO MAP: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend AD and independent producer Meta Valentic on the challenges of indie filmmaking

About Meta Valentic Meta Valentic has worked as an Assistant Director on films like Avatar and on television shows like Bones, Castle, and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. She was nominated for two Directors Guild Awards for her work on Lost. Meta has also produced multiple...
THE RIGHT WAY TO RIGHTS: A beginner’s guide to acquiring IP

THE RIGHT WAY TO RIGHTS: A beginner’s guide to acquiring IP

Anyone can write a script based on an original idea, but preexisting material, with a built-in audience and some track record of success, is often prized by studios. Be it comic books, best selling novels, remakes of old films, or true stories, established...
UNEXPECTED WAYS TO FIND YOUR NEXT STORY: 5 Brainstorming Methods You Definitely Haven’t Considered

UNEXPECTED WAYS TO FIND YOUR NEXT STORY: 5 Brainstorming Methods You Definitely Haven’t Considered

So you’ve written a screenplay. It was a passion project for you, and it was a great learning experience. Better yet, it landed you a meeting with a big time producer! You go in and pitch your script, and things seem to be going well. When you finish, she nods...