DOT-COM DOS AND DOT-COM DON’TS: 5 Tips For A Better Freelancer Website

DOT-COM DOS AND DOT-COM DON’TS: 5 Tips For A Better Freelancer Website

In an increasingly digital industry, it’s easier than ever to find crew for your projects or crew up on someone else’s. But since the internet has become such a popular place to find work, it’s also easy for talented filmmakers like yourself to get lost in a sea of...
HANDLING “THE TALENT”: Five Pieces of Advice On Dealing with Difficult Actors

HANDLING “THE TALENT”: Five Pieces of Advice On Dealing with Difficult Actors

So you’re shooting your first feature and you’re working with Hollywood megastar Bristian Kale! Suddenly, maybe to no surprise, he throws a tantrum on set. What do you do? Well… you suck it up. It’s a small price to pay to get Bristian Kale in your first film! The...
THE SECRET TO A SMOOTH PRODUCTION: 5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Storyboard Art

THE SECRET TO A SMOOTH PRODUCTION: 5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Storyboard Art

Storyboard art is one of the most underrated tools in the film industry. It’s usually the last thing filmmakers think they need, and the first to be cut from budget. What many filmmakers don’t realize is that hiring a storyboard artist can help streamline the entire...
THE DIGITAL PAPER TRAIL: Communication in a Professional World

THE DIGITAL PAPER TRAIL: Communication in a Professional World

We cannot stress this enough: filmmaking is a collaborative process, and one of the keys to effective collaboration is good communication. Conveying information to your team quickly and concisely is a must, as is being able to recall that information at a moment’s...
HAVE SOME CLASS: 5 Reasons An Acting Class Will Make You A Better Director

HAVE SOME CLASS: 5 Reasons An Acting Class Will Make You A Better Director

Sounds awful right? Standing in front of an audience and pretending you’re someone else. You’re a director after all – you’ve specifically chosen directing as a career because it keeps you behind the camera. But we’re not suggesting you should consider acting in your own films, going on auditions, or prepping headshots.

But trust us: Taking an acting class will make you a better director. Here are five reasons why.

MAKING THE STANFORD PRISON EXPERIMENT: An Interview with Kyle Patrick Alvarez

MAKING THE STANFORD PRISON EXPERIMENT: An Interview with Kyle Patrick Alvarez

Kyle Patrick Alvarez is an independent filmmaker whose 2013 film C.O.G. was nominated for the Grand Jury Prize in drama at Sundance, and who recently directed two episodes of Netflix original series 13 Reasons Why. He also directed The Stanford Prison Experiment, which premiered at Sundance and won the prestigious Alfred P. Sloan Award. Here he sits down with us to talk about how, after decades, the film finally got made.