lo·cal hire ˈlōk(ə)l ˈhī(ə)r noun A member of the cast or crew who is local to the shooting location and does not require transportation and housing. Local hires usually save the production some money, but they often lack the experience or training of comparable...
long shot ˈlôNG SHät noun A shot that is at least wide enough to capture the entire human body in the frame and at most a panoramic view that is so expansive the individual subjects are not even distinguishable. Also called a wide...
low-bud·get lō ˈbəjət adjective Typically a film budgeted in the $250K to $15M range, a discrepancy so broad that it renders the term mostly meaningless. Often mistakenly used as a synonym for independent films, although many indies cost much more than $15M and...
lunch lən(t)SH noun The full meal served by the catering department in the middle of the shoot day. Lunch is served no more than six hours after the general crew call and is referred to as “lunch” regardless of the time of day (or night). The duration of...