in·sert inˈsərt noun A closer shot of a specific object or action visible in the master shot, intended to be edited seamlessly into the master. Not to be confused with a cutaway (a shot of something not visible in the master) or a close-up (a closer shot of an...
Schedule K-1 ˈskejəl kā wən noun A form that reports each “S corporation” shareholder’s share of income, losses, deductions and credits. A major pain in the butt at tax...
Schedule K-1 ˈskejəl kā wən noun A form that reports each “S corporation” shareholder’s share of income, losses, deductions and credits. A major pain in the butt at tax...
lo·cal hire ˈlōk(ə)l ˈhī(ə)r noun A member of the cast or crew who is local to the shooting location and does not require transportation and housing. Local hires usually save the production some money, but they often lack the experience or training of comparable...