green light

greenlight ˈɡrēnˌlīt verb To approve a script or project for production. The exact opposite of a ‘hard pass.’ “They loved the script and said they’d greenlight it if we can attach an A-list actor.” past participle –...


greenlight ˈɡrēnˌlīt verb To approve a script or project for production. The exact opposite of a ‘hard pass.’ “They loved the script and said they’d greenlight it if we can attach an A-list actor.” past participle –...


greenlight ˈɡrēnˌlīt verb To approve a script or project for production. The exact opposite of a ‘hard pass.’ “They loved the script and said they’d greenlight it if we can attach an A-list actor.” past participle –...


HOD ˈeɪtʃ oʊ ˈdiː noun Abbreviation for “head of department.” A film crew is divided into different departments, each of which specializes in a specific branch of production. Every department is led by an...

in the can

in the can in T͟Hē kan adjective Shot. A slang expression derived from Hollywood’s early days when shot film stock was stored in a light proof cannister. When a shot is “in the can” that setup is finished and the crew can move on to the next one....


in·sert inˈsərt noun A closer shot of a specific object or action visible in the master shot, intended to be edited seamlessly into the master. Not to be confused with a cutaway (a shot of something not visible in the master) or a close-up (a closer shot of an...