establishing shots

e·stab·lish·ing shot əˈstabliSHiNG SHät noun A shot that sets up, or establishes the context of a scene by showing the relationship between its important figures and objects. It is generally a wide shot, often used at the beginning of a...


Foley ˈfōlē noun The reproduction of everyday (so called “hidden”) sound that is added to a film during post-production.  

gaff tape

gaf·fer’s tape ˈɡafərz tāp noun The tacky, black tendons holding every film set together. This heavy cotton cloth pressure-sensitive tape has strong adhesive and tensile properties and one million uses

gaffer’s tape

gaf·fer’s tape ˈɡafərz tāp noun The tacky, black tendons holding every film set together. This heavy cotton cloth pressure-sensitive tape has strong adhesive and tensile properties and one million uses


grace ɡrās noun A request to continue shooting for 15-minutes past a scheduled break without incurring a penalty. Meal breaks are standard after every six hours of work, but grace can be requested on rare occasions before lunch or wrap (or second...


Greek ɡrēk adjective To make a logo or label unrecognizable so as not to infringe on any trademarked material. This term is borrowed from typography where new font styles or layouts are often tested using greek or latin to keep the focus on form and not...