on·er ˈwənər noun Also called a “long take,” one long, unbroken take by a single camera, or a series of shots manufactured to give the impression of one...
O·T·S ō tē es adjective Abbreviation for “over the shoulder.” A type of framing (usually a medium or medium close-up) where the camera is positioned behind one performer and facing another, so the shoulder and back of the first are visible in the frame....
prac·ti·cal ˈpraktək(ə)l noun A light source that is (or could be) visible within the frame, such as lamps, light fixtures, television sets, or computers.
prac·ti·cal ˈpraktək(ə)l noun A light source that is (or could be) visible within the frame, such as lamps, light fixtures, television sets, or computers.
process trailer ˈprɑˌsɛs ˈtreɪlər noun A low rise trailer that holds a picture car, and is towed by an insert car to create a natural-looking car movement. Also called an insert trailer or a low loader....