A·D·R ˈā də är noun Abbreviation for Automated Dialogue Replacement (also called “dubbing” or “looping”), the process of rerecording dialogue after filming in order to improve audio quality.


ambience ˈambēəns noun The background sounds of a particular environment, used to provide audio continuity, prevent unnatural silences, and set the mood. Not to be confused with room tone, which is the “silence” recorded at a given location. Also known as...


block ˈbläk verb Choreographing the movement of camera and actors within a shot


block·ing ˈbläkiNG noun The choreography of the movement of camera and actors within a shot


BS bē es noun What comes out of the backside of a bull or the mouth of an indie producer trying to get his film financed. verb To talk a lot when you have nothing to...


BTS bē tē es abbreviation Short for ‘behind the scenes’