Apr 24, 2018 | Five For Filming
Shooting days tend to begin the same way, with everyone moving slowly, wiping the sleep out of their eyes, chatting at the crafty table, and savoring their morning coffee. But by hour twelve everyone is usually scrambling frantically, trying to squeeze in a few more...
Apr 10, 2018 | Five For Filming
We’ve talked before about the importance of receiving criticism with an open mind. But that’s easier said than done. Nobody enjoys having their work analyzed and picked apart. Yet it’s an essential tool in growing and becoming better at your craft. Not only will it...
Apr 3, 2018 | Five For Filming
Your script has it all: action, romance, and a killer twist. It’s dynamite! Best of all, there are only a couple characters and locations, so you might be able to pull it off on a low budget. There’s just one problem. The story isn’t set in the...
Mar 20, 2018 | Five For Filming
In honor of Women’s History Month your friends at Lunacy will be posting content celebrating the contribution of women to the film industry. This week we look at the five best internet resources for female filmmakers (and a few extras you should check out as well)....
Mar 13, 2018 | Five For Filming
In honor of Women’s History Month your friends at Lunacy will be posting content celebrating the contribution of women to the film industry. We continue this week with a look at female filmmakers who aren’t household names but have nonetheless shaped the history...
Feb 27, 2018 | Five For Filming
You’ve cast the perfect actor. They nailed the audition, they were great in rehearsals, and everything is going smoothly on set, and then… you accidentally say or do something that pisses them off. Suddenly they are pouting, questioning your judgement, or just less...